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Category: Livestock

Description of Karmal pigs

Many farmers dream of starting a pig breed that is healthy and gaining weight quickly. For this purpose, the Karmal breed was created. It fully meets all the requirements of farmers. The Karmaly pig breed is distinguished by high-quality meat, for which they pay big money. Pig breed...

How to choose a ferret based on its price

Keeping ferrets at home requires some responsibility from the pet owner. This breed of predators has a weak stomach, so improper care of the animal can be fatal. Before asking how much a ferret costs, you should study the prices for maintenance...

Description of the Duroc pig breed

The Duroc pig breed is a rarity on private farms. The breed was bred in America. The pigs are distinguished by an unusual sandy-red coat color. Often novice breeders do not know which breed is best for breeding, but after meeting these affectionate red representatives...

How to make mesh rabbit cages

Rabbit breeding is a fairly profitable business, subject to a number of rules for keeping these animals. Before breeding rabbits, the farmer must learn in detail how to care for them, how to feed them for successful weight gain, where to keep them. The first question after buying eared animals is usually: what...

Infectious rhinitis in rabbits

Rhinitis in rabbits is one of the most common eared diseases, affecting representatives of all breeds, without exception. This infectious disease is often referred to as a "contagious rhinitis" because sneezing and rubbing of the nose are among the first symptoms. In such cases, the disease begins quickly....

Features of the Kazakh white-headed breed of cows

An important aspect in cattle breeding is the adaptability of animals to any climatic conditions and unpretentiousness in nutrition, especially if the area where the herd is kept does not have dense vegetation. The Kazakh white-headed breed of cows is exemplary in this regard. Kazakh white-headed...

Heavy horse breeds

Powerful and hardy horses, heavy draft horses have become indispensable helpers in the household. They were widely used in plowing, when transporting bulky goods and in other types of agricultural work. Draft horses Uniqueness The draft horse has a powerful neck, muscular...

Can rabbits be given dill

The first thing you have to worry about when starting a pet is how to properly care for it and how to feed it. Many newbies are wondering if rabbits can use dill and parsley. The feeding of rabbits should always be correct and well balanced, they should receive all vitamins and calcium....

Description of Edilbaevskaya sheep breed

Experienced farmers breed sheep and sheep in order to obtain quality delicious meat. But it is worth noting that the taste depends not only on the conditions in which the animal was kept, but also on the breed and family. In particular, the Edilbaevskaya breed of sheep is famous for its features...

Ferret toys

Ferret is a very playful animal. These pets are constantly in motion: scatter small things on the floor, play naughty on the shelves in closets with clothes and even rummage in flower pots. This is why ferret toys are a must and can save pet owners a lot of problems....